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What Is Social Media Marketing?

What is Social Media

and forth because the old web 1.0 was just I put out blog we are done but now web 2.0 is that back and forth it allows us to interact and talk think about it you can click that like button to tell me you like this video you can comment down below you can share this video you can subscribe we can have that I can answer your questions down below and type in an answer we have those things and that is the social media we are interacting with each other and that's great and the thing is it can be all kinds of stuff it can be the picture you shared the food you ate on Instagram or or the picture that grandma took of you and you were 12 that she shares on Facebook to embarrass you on your

What is Hashtags

it basically means it's the social interaction side of the internet it is that web 2.0 because remember web 2.0 are the functionalities of the Internet that allow people to communicate back
birthday yes all that is social media it is content that people are creating to share online and usually end up doing
it's kind of linking things together and popular topics right your whole hash tag kind of thing yes let's learn about different things let's be social about a certain topic may come out when there's a draft for a sports league or a new movie coming out or a TV show there's always the whole set of Twitter things going and Instagram posts about it and stuff like that we're showing those things and we're sharing our experiences and we're letting our friends still and they can come back and talk to us and
the thing is is when you're looking at social media what you're looking at is social media is used not to sell products that's one of the big mistakes companies make they get on social media think we're just gonna sell sell sell know your website that's lor sell sell sell your social media that's there to build a community feeling that's to build your community of followers getting that social interaction you're developing relationships and that's what's great about social media it lets you build relationships with your customers how many of you have had a back-and-forth chat with somebody on Instagram or Facebook and actually build your friendships I mean I have people that we were just kind of like acquaintances in high school but through Facebook we become best friends with HACC I met my wife like in high school and we were like acquaintances but then I wrote her on Facebook we developed a relationship and we're man with kids now who knew his social media can do a lot even without tinder huh leader the old-school way with Facebook right so you kind of see these things and you see
that Wow social media really is like we're building that friendship we're building that relationship with those interactions back and forth and for brands your social media is very
important because you can establish your brand personality online that really says who you are and people can identify with that because I know I talk about the windi's Twitter feed all the time how it rose people but it's not one person that does it all the time there's a team that come up with these roasts but you still feel like it's the same Wendy doing it so you
have this idea of who is my you know person who who is this brand you have this kind of idea and we use social media to get across that brand online okay so make sure you're doing that because when you build that community
feel maybe people feel they had a relationship with you they're more likely to buy okay cuz I know who you are I feel like we're friends you're more likely to buy with them okay
because if you try to sell it turns people off but if you build that community spirit when eventually they're Ali buy then they're Ali think higher of you it's like oh yeah I like
using their stuff I like talk of them they share some good stuff I'm Ali  check out their store I'm Ali check out their site and see what I need to do okay so overall what is social media Summary it is the interactive nature of the Internet is sharing posts it is sharing pictures it is sharing videos it is sharing music and interacting and talking to people in order to build a social community within the internet
okay so I hope this helps you better understand what is social media because yes from cat memes to your grandma Sharon embarrassing photos of you it's all social media.

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